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Insect Pathology and Pathogen Genomics Lab.
National Chung Hsing University

Two of our lab members will leave to other universities in the summertime (June 10th, 2018 ). Thus, we held a farewell party for them! At this party. everyone got drunk!! Please see the faces before (left) and after (right) drinking.

in June 10
nov 2019

2018 Annual meeting of honey bee and bee products

oct 20-21 2018
39th annual meeting of taiwan entomological society
A post presentation in the 39th annual meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society in National Cheng Kung University at Tainan City.
Ms. Chang Zih-Ting and I worked on the project of whole genomic sequencing and analysis of Troides aeacus nucleopolyhedrovirus (TraeNPV)

We collected soil samples in Yi-Lan for the isolation of of EF.
After a hard working, we have a BIG LUNCH in Jiao-Xi City, where we collected soil samples!!

November 9th 2018,
Collections of Soil sample for entomopathogenic fungi isolations
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